Desiree Venable
Leader Candidate Advocate Champion Pioneer Spokesperson Trailblazer Ambassador Democrat
for a New Generation

Together We're Able,
Vote Venable for state representative District 17!

My Vision

I dream that one day our government will prioritize the wants and needs of the people over personal agendas and profits of the wealthy. I dream of our citizens coming together, to take back power and create a country that works for all.

Unfortunately, we’ve allowed false narratives and misinformation to divide our nation. Our attention has mistakenly been focused on fighting each other, rather than demanding our elected officials be held accountable for their failures. Year after year, our elected officials stray further away from representing the desires of the constituents who gave them their power. We need a leader who will step up and put the needs of the people above their own self interests. This is where I come in! I want to increase civic engagement, unite our people, and provide equal opportunity, protection, and representation for ALL of us.

The Venable Vow

When I’m granted the privilege of representing my district, I vow to provide comprehensive representation to all my constituents, and to prioritize the needs and wishes of the majority over the desires of a select few. I vow to provide equal opportunity and protection to all. I vow to work diligently to rectify misinformation and to dispel harmful stigmas perpetuated within our communities. Finally, I vow to use my position and platform to expose any and all corruption or injustice I find, regardless to where, or whom, it originates from.

Final Day to Register to Vote

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Important dates

  • Venable for State House GOTV Phone Banking!Venable for State House GOTV Phone Banking!

    We’re in the final stretch! Join us for phone banking these next two Tuesdays leading up to the 15th and one Thursday night phone bank on the 17th. Then, starting on the first day of early voting, we will phone bank every night until November 1st and once on November 4th. This is a great way to support Desiree Venable’s campaign and drive higher turnout without having to be outside. Sign up for any night that fits your schedule, and make a difference in these critical final weeks!

  • Bastrop GOTV Rally & Action EventBastrop GOTV Rally & Action Event

    This is it, folks! With early voting just days away, we need all hands on deck to get out the vote and make a real difference in our community. Join us on Saturday, October 19th, at 10 a.m. at the Bearded Baking Co. in Bastrop for an energizing rally where Desiree Venable (and other speakers TBA) will fire us up, sharing what’s at stake—public education, health care, and the future of our community. Plus, free coffee! Come hang out, get motivated, and know that you’re surrounded by others who care just as much as you do. There’s something powerful about knowing you’re not alone in this fight for change. After the rally, we’ll take that energy and put it to work. We’re rolling up our sleeves for canvassing and phone banking in Bastrop precincts, reaching as many voters as possible. These final days are when it counts—let’s make our efforts matter! Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer or this is your first time, we need YOU. Let’s knock doors, make calls, and push all the way to the finish line. Democracy isn't a spectator sport—let's make this happen together!

  • GOTV Text BankingGOTV Text Banking

    Join Us for Text Banking During GOTV! Learn how to text bank and help us reach out to voters by sending reminders to go vote! We will hold a text bank before early voting, two sessions during early voting, and one the day before Election Day. Text banking is incredibly important for our Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts and offers the flexibility that many other forms of volunteering don’t. After sending the initial texts to your assigned list, you can go about your day and simply use our pre-written responses for any replies you receive. The vast majority of text bank responses don’t require a personalized reply, allowing you to make a significant impact on voter turnout while still managing your regular tasks. Your involvement can make a huge difference—let’s make sure every voice is heard!

help make a positive impact, join us!